Usage Policy

Access Conditions

The researcher is aware that in order to consult the physical collection, it is essential to fill out the researcher registration form.

The researcher is fully responsible for the proper use of the information accessed, as they may be held civilly, criminally, and administratively liable at any time for any moral or material damages resulting from the improper use, reproduction, or disclosure of such information.

Improper use of the documents and the information contained therein incurs restrictions and penalties provided for in the legislation listed below:

  • Articles 4 and 6 of Law No. 8.159 of 1991 (Archives Law);
  • Federal Law No. 9.610 of 1998 (Copyright Law);
  • Article 56 (Transparency and respect for personal information) of Federal Decree No. 7.724 of 2012 (which regulates the Access to Information Law);
  • Article 35 of State Decree No. 58.052 of 2012 (Regulates, within the State of São Paulo, the Access to Information Law);
  • Article 5, section X, of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, of 1988 (Dissemination of information obtained that, although associated with private interests, concerns the honor and image of third parties);
  • Article 31 § 2 (Improper use of information) of Federal Law No. 12.527 of 2011 (Access to Information Law);
  • Articles 20 (Authorized or necessary disclosure), 138 and 148 (Crimes of slander, injury, and defamation) of Law No. 10.406 of 2002 (Civil Code);
  • Articles 138 to 145 (Crimes against honor), 297, 299, and 304 (Crimes of documentary falsification) of Decree-Law No. 2.848 of 1940 (Penal Code).

It is important that the researcher fills out the researcher registration form. On-site consultation will be by appointment via email.

Reproduction Conditions

Reproduction will be permitted with authorization from the ADunicamp Board of Directors.

The researcher is aware that they must use the documentary items within the limits of the authorization granted.

The possible types of reproduction and instructions for requesting them will be available soon.

Instructions for Registration and Access Request

To request access to the physical collection, the researcher must fill out the form below, also available here.